Proving business and pleasure DO mix!

Photos courtesy of  Tammy Lynn Photography

Sign up below for membership of the SBN

Benefits of membership include our monthly Networking Meetings
- when you will be able to introduce yourself to  25+ local businesswomen

our informal monthly meetings and member discounts on events and training
as well as the opportunity to be promoted via our social media platforms.

All for only £75.


Welcome to Stroud Businesswomen’s Network, a welcoming and supportive business group for women from across the Stroud District and neighbouring communities.

We meet twice a month. Join us for your first meeting FREE** to see if you like us. We guarantee a very warm welcome - we really can show you that business and pleasure DO mix! Just email and find out more!

SBN is not-for-profit and run by a small volunteer committee. 
Read About Us

Great reasons to become a member of SBN:

1. Grow and develop your business in a supportive all-women environment – make great contacts and friends, learn from and support each other. We have more than 30 active Members and more than 180 Friends of SBN. If you’re new to the area, or launching your first business, you will soon feel at home

2. Inspirational guest speakers extend our knowledge, broaden our business understanding and often make us laugh! We also organise business skills training workshops.

3.We have an active Facebook Page and Group – we’re happy to share your business posts and questions, helping to raise YOUR profile. List your business here and submit short articles to our monthly newsletter, which can also feature on our Facebook page.

It’s only £75 a year! 


** Our offer of a free visit applies to anyone who has not attended our main networking meetings before and those who have not been a Member within the last three years

Meet our Members

Meetings and Events


Upcoming events

What Our Members Say...

"SBN has been a huge support this year. My business has definitely grown directly from being a member and I am also thrilled to have been able to help some of the members with their social media at various times too. You are all fantastic "

Disclaimer: Stroud Businesswomen’s Network (“SBN”) accepts no responsibility or liability with regard to the information provided on this website. The views and opinions expressed in articles / features are those of the individual contributing members and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SBN or its committee members. Information is intended to be of a general nature only and is not necessarily comprehensive. Where there are links to external websites, SBN assumes no responsibility for the information contained in those entries or on those websites.

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